

Interior angle of a pentadecagon

Updated: 11/18/2022
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Q: Interior angle of a pentadecagon
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Is it possible to have a regular polygon with an interior angle of 156 degrees?

Yes. Pentadecagon (15-sided polygon)

What is the angle measure for each interior angle of a pentakaidecagon?

A pentakaidecagon (or pentadecagon) is a 15-sided figure, using the theorem:[180 x (n-2)]/n to find the angle measurement of each angle (where n is the number of sides) we get 156 degrees.

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Remember Exterior angle = 360 / No. of sides. Hence Exterior Angle = 360//25 = 24 degrees, It follows that the intertiot angle is 180 - 24 =156 degrees. There are 15 interior angles Hence 15 x 156 = 2340 degrees is the sum of the interior angles of a 'Pentadecagon'.

What is the sum of an interior angle measure of a 15-gon?

Assuming that this is a regular pentadecagon, the 360° of the exterior offset angles are spread evenly, so are 24° each. This means the interior angles are 180-24=156°

What is a 15 sided shape?

its a pentadecagon i.e, a polygon with 15 sides. in a regular pentadecagon each angle is of 156 degrees

What is the sum of interior of a pentadecagon?

Sum_interior_angles = (number_of_sides - 2) x 180o = (15 - 2) x 180o = 2340o [A pentadecagon has 15 sides.]

How many sides does a regular polygon have if the measure of an interior angle is 156?

If the interior angle measures 156 degrees, this means that the exterior angle is equal to 180 - 156 = 24 degrees. Dividing this by the full 360 degrees of a circle, gives 360/24 = 15. The polygon therefore has fifteen sides. A fifteen-sided polygon is called a pentadecagon or pentakaidecagon.

What does a pentadecagon look like?

In geometry, a pentadecagon (or pentakaidecagon) is any 15-sided, 15-angled, polygon. A regular pentadecagon has interior angles of 156°, and with a side length a, has an area given by: A= 15/4 * a²* cot π/15 = (15a²)/8 (√3 + √15+ √2* √(5+√5)) ≈ 17.6424 a²

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It is: 180-exterior angle = interior angle

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An interior angle is any angle on the interior of the triangle.

Which of these is the alternate interior angle of angle hge?

GEF is the alternate interior angle of angle hge.

What is an exterior angle of a triangle and how does the measure of an exterior angle relate to the interior angles?

Exterior angle+interior angle=180 degrees and 180-exterior angle=interior angle