It is Ordinal:Order the data from smallest to largest or "worst" to "best".Each data value can be compared with another data value.
illustrate how you can express the age of group of persons as {1}nominal,{2}ordinal data,{3} interval data,{4}ratio data
Data comes in various sizes and shapes. Two of them are Interval and Ratio. Interval is a measurement where the difference between two values is meaningful and follows a linear scale. For example: in physics, temperature 0.0 on either F or C does not mean 'no temperature'; in biology, a pH of 0.0 does not mean 'no acidity'. Interval data is continuous data where differences are interpretable, ordered, and constant scale, but there is no 'natural' zero. Ratio is the relation in degree or number between two similar things or a relationship between two quantities, ordered, constant scale, with natural zero. Ratio data is interpretable. Ratio data has a natural zero. A good example is birth weight in kg. The distinctions between interval and ratio data are slight. Certain specialized statistics, such as a geometric mean and a coefficient of variation can only be applied to ratio data.
Age is none of the items listed. Age is ratio data.
No; since you refer to a math score (and not a math grade), it is ratio data.
same as grouped data i.e. (upper limit+lower limit)/2
Time is ratio data because it has a true, meaningful data. You can say that at time 20 seconds, it is twice the amount of time than 10 seconds. Interval data doesn't have a true zero e.g. degrees celcius. Although you can say 60 degrees is hotter than 30 degrees you can't say that it is twice as hot.
Interval-Ratio can use all three measures, but the most appropriate should be mean unless there is high skew, then median should be used.
Telephone numbers are actually nominal data.
I think Ratio Scale is betterInterval Scale:-Permissible Statistics mean, standard deviation, correlation, regression, analysis of varianceRatio Scale:-Permissible StatisticsAll statistics permitted for interval scales plus the following: geometric mean, harmonic mean, coefficient of variation, logarithmsTo clarify:"Best" is an odd way of looking at it. As the previous answers suggest, ratio data does allow for more advanced statistics, but for the most common forms of analysis, there is little functional difference between the two.The bigger point is that researchers don't necessarily choose the level of data that they are working with. The nature of whatever they are studying determines it, and you can get into some pretty murky water when you try to force a ratio measurement in a study where it isn't really appropriate.
It is ratio.