The address of the Pecan Museum is: Po Box 76, Seguin, TX 78156-0076
The address of the Caped Cod is: Po Box 76, Chatham, MA 02633-0076
The address of the Highgate Public is: 17 Mill Hill, Highgate Center, 05459 0076
The phone number of the California Oil Museum is: 805-933-0076.
The address of the Jefferson Legacy Foundation is: Po Box 76, Ripton, VT 05766-0076
The phone number of the Coquille Valley Historical Society is: 541-824-0076.
The address of the Beulah Historical Society is: Po Box 76, Beulah, CO 81023-0076
The address of the Wesley Heritage Foundation is: Po Box 76, Henrico, NC 27842-0076
The address of the Bombay Historical Society is: Po Box 76, Bombay, NY 12914-0076
1 - 524 2 - .0076 3 - Bronze 4 - 66 type it exactly like that. hope it helps
The address of the Talkeetna Historical Society Museum is: Po Box 76, Talkeetna, AK 99676-0076
The phone number of the Saint Charles Public Library District is: 630-584-0076.