0.1313513157 is rational. Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as a fraction. Irrational Numbers cannot be expressed as a fraction.
No, it is rational.
It is rational. It is rational. It is rational. It is rational.
"Rational" is an adjective and so there cannot be "a rational" (and certainly not "an rational"). Any answer would depend on whether the question was about a rational number, a rational person, a rational argument or "a rational" combined with some other noun.
It is rational.
It is rational.
1.14 is rational.
Rational. Rational. Rational. Rational.
4.6 is rational.
No, it is rational.
It is a rational number
It is rational. It is rational. It is rational. It is rational.
No, it is rational.
It is rational
0.38 is a rational number because it can be expressed as a fraction