.06 is smaller than .063 by .003.
The Roman numerals for the date 06-03-2006 are VI.III.MCMVI
0.34 is greater as 0.3 means 0.30 and 30 is smaller than 34
450 is smaller than 900.
A centimeter is smaller than a meter
40 is larger than 06 which is the same as 6
.06 is smaller than .063 by .003.
no it is not smaller because 28 is larger than 3
The Roman numerals for the date 06-03-2006 are VI.III.MCMVI
.006 is smaller.
0.34 is greater as 0.3 means 0.30 and 30 is smaller than 34
No, the 06 Altima is a refinement of the 03 Altima - and basically the same size.
.06 cups are in .03 pints.
The Dish - 2008 2009-03-06 was released on: USA: 6 March 2009
The Dish - 2008 2010-03-06 was released on: USA: 6 March 2010
Crossfire - 1982 2014-03-06 was released on: USA: 6 March 2014
Rome - 2012 2013-03-06 was released on: USA: 6 March 2013