No, 42 is a whole number and 0.42 is a decimal. 0.42 is not even bigger than 1.
If you do not get this, just know this, 42 is also 42.0 and is bigger than 0.42.
042 is the same as 42 which in scientific notation is 4.2*101
200 042 000 913
Using standard algebraic notation, "42 over 1000" in its simplest form is 42/1000. Its reduced value would be 21 / 500 or .042 .
48=42+648-6=4248-42=648-42-6=042-48=-66-48=-4248+42+6=9642-6=48-12These are some possible answers.
low E on a 9-42 set normal A on a 13-58 set the differnece? 9-42 is really thin and 13-58 is very thick used for low tunings traditionally but guitar legend Stevie Ray Vaughn played in standard with 13-58 strings.
Puzzle No 42: The Camera and Case. Speak with Gerard on the Northern path. Answer = $95 change is what you should receive.
1 mm = .001 meter Therefore, by moving the decimal point 3 places to the left, 42 millimeters equals .042 meters
Parts of Busiro District are in area code 041 (or +256 41) with Kampala, and parts are in area code 042 (or +256 42) with Entebbe.
Remember K H D | d c m (kilo, hecto, deka, (liter, meter, gram), deci, centi, milli). Liters are three places to the left of milliliters. So you have to move the decimal place three times to the left. You will get 42 mL = .042 L.
its really 423 fortnights = 42 days
Remember K H D | d c m (kilo, hecto, deka, (liter, meter, gram), deci, centi, milli). Kiloliters are three places to the left of liters. So you have to move the decimal place three times to the left. You will get 42 L =.042 kL.