Because 82 can be divided by numbers other than 1 and 82. 82 is divisible by 1, 2, 41, 82
738. 10 x 82 = 820, so 9 x 82 is 820 minus 82 (It is 82 less than 10 x 82)
0.85 is smaller than 1. 3.4 is bigger than 1. "Bigger than 1" is bigger than "smaller than 1".
x/10 > 82 x > 820
52ounces is bigger than
.0525 LBS
If an alloy is 5.25% copper, convert 5.25% to decimal as .0525. Multiply .0525 by 200 to yield 10.5 pounds.
greater than 82 but less than 95
.82 is less than .90.82 < 0.9
In the US, they are equal. Elsewhere, 6000 pounds is less than 3 tons.
... than Earth. Smaller. Venus' Mass is around 82% of Earths, while its diameter is a little smaller than Earths at around 95% of Earths diameter.
164 pints = 328 cups
Because 82 can be divided by numbers other than 1 and 82. 82 is divisible by 1, 2, 41, 82
738. 10 x 82 = 820, so 9 x 82 is 820 minus 82 (It is 82 less than 10 x 82)
Since 9 squared is 81, 82 has to be more than 9 * 9, or the square root of 82 is more than 9.
Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.Yes, a buffalo is bigger than a mountain lion.