Five and a half percent is .055 as a decimal.
Five million five hundred and four thousand fifty five
5.5% as a decimal would be .055, which is equal to 55/1000, which reduces to 11/200.
__% of __ is ___ 50% of 100 is 50 The formula is: x% of 75 is 25 .01x*75=25 .01/.01(x)*75=25/.01 75x=2500 75/75(x)=2500/75 x=33.3333333333333333333333333333 of 1/3 1/3% of 75 is 25 The formula applies to percents. If you have further questions, I recommend you consult your algebra teacher.
055 is the biggest
55 thousandths
Increasing alpha from .01 to .05 will increase the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true.
.055 is equal to 5.5 percent.
It's on 055 or 55
In what. Police, Fireman. What do you want in this answer in what area.
Belmont Branch