Rational. There are 3 types of decimal
1) Terminating (stop after a certain number of places - no matter how many)
2) Recurring (repeat a digit of some digts e.g. 0.547547547547547......)
3) Infinite decimals which do not have a recurring patter.
1) and 2) are rational. Only 3) is irrational, number like Pi and root 2.
Your number is type 1) and can be written as 76215/100000 = 15243/20000
which is a rational number (fraction).
The product of a rational and irrational number can be rational if the rational is 0. Otherwise it is always irrational.
No.A rational times an irrational is never rational. It is always irrational.
It will be irrational.
Next to any rational number is an irrational number, but next to an irrational number can be either a rational number or an irrational number, but it is infinitely more likely to be an irrational number (as between any two rational numbers are an infinity of irrational numbers).
10.01 is a rational number
It is a rational number.
is 34.54 and irrational or rational. number
it is a rational number but 4.121314..... is an irrational no
Such a product is always irrational - unless the rational number happens to be zero.
The product of a rational and irrational number can be rational if the rational is 0. Otherwise it is always irrational.
No number is irrational and rational.
If an irrational number is added to, (or multiplied by) a rational number, the result will always be an irrational number.
When a rational numbers is divided by an irrational number, the answer is irrational for every non-zero rational number.
The sum of a rational and irrational number must be an irrational number.