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Q: Is 01022010 a numerical palindrome
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When will be the next palindromic year?

A palindrome reads the same both ways. The last palindromic year was 2002. the next palindromic year is 2112. However, the next palindromic date dd/mm/yyyy is 01/02/2010 (01022010)

What is the numerical palindrome?

Any number that reads the same forwards and backwards, like 33 or 45654.

What is unusual about the digits 1009 8423 3248 9001?

The series is a "numerical palindrome" -- the first half of the series mirrors the second half in reverse.

What numerical palindrome comes 279972?

280082 281182 282282 283382 284482 285582 286682 287782 288882 289982 300003 301103 302203

What is the number like 121 393 272 which is read same from left and right called?

The word form e.g. (Anna or radar) are known as palindromes (singular = palindrome) or palindromic words. The same name is used for numbers that are the same in reverse but are often referred to as 'numerical palindromes' or 'numerically palindromic values'. The use of the word 'numerical' or 'numerically' in relation to a numerical palindrome is not really necessary as being palindromicity, or the nature of being palindromic does not expressly refer to word forms.

What numerical palindrome follows 279972?

280082 281182 282282 283382 284482 285582 286682 287782 288882 289982 300003 301103 302203.

Can palindromes be in the form of decimals and fractions?

Sure. Anything that can repeat in a mirror image sort of a way can be a palindrome. See this page for more information on numerical palindromes:

Which palindrome is a preposition?

"Aha" is a palindrome that can be used as a preposition.

Is glockenspiel a palindrome?

No, it isn't a palindrome.

What is the palindrome of balanced?

The palindrome is Level.

What is the palindrome of 14?

There is no palindrome for 14.

Which 4 digit number is always a palindrome?

Any number that is is a palindrome will always be a palindrome.