They're the same.
(.08)*18.99 = 1.5192
Thales McReynolds was born on 1943-06-08.
The Sixth Sense was created on 1999-08-06.
8% of X is the same as saying .08 * X. .08 * 24.5=1.96
0.6 is less than 0.8
No 0.08% is not larger than 0.59%
0.2 is less than 0.80.2 < 0.8
No, 0.63 is less than 0.8
28-06-08 would be XXVIII.VI.VIII and 28-06-2008 would be XXVIII.VI.MMVIII
They're the same.
While the legal limit in most states is .08% and many studies show that driving using a hands-free device is more dangerous than driving with a BAC of .08%. Therefore, it would be considered safe to drive with a BAC of .04%.
how can you received a MMS picture from Pakistan on 2009 08 06
fifa 08
That refers to .08 percent, (point zero eight percent) or 8 hundredths of a percent.
A 200 lb. man can consume 64 oz. (4 pints) of standard strength beer in 1 1/2 hours and his BAL will be between .06 and .08.