Of course 0 is not a fraction, when it is over 0 it is a whole number.
Decimal:0 Fraction:0
0 x where x != 0
The equation is undefined when the 0 is on the bottom of a fraction. This is because division by zero is not defined in mathematics and leads to undefined values. If the 0 is on the top of the fraction, the equation can still be evaluated and the value would be 0.
fraction for 0.423 = 423/10000.423 * 1000/1000 = 423/1000 in fraction
0% as a fraction = 0/1
Decimal:0 Fraction:0
If the numerator is 0, the fraction equals 0.
0 times ANYTHING is 0!
3 equivalent fraction for 0 = 0/1, 0/2, 0/3,...
The fraction is zero. 0 divided by anything except zero is zero.
There is no possible answer. For any given fraction, half that fraction is another fraction and it will be closer to 0. And then half of that will be closer still, and then half of that ... . Hope you get the idea.
Oh, dude, you're hitting me with the easy math questions, huh? Alright, so 0 as a fraction is just 0/1 because anything divided by 1 is itself. And 10 as a fraction is 10/1 because, like, that's just how fractions work. So, there you go, 0 as 0/1 and 10 as 10/1. Easy peasy!
It equals 0.