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Neither. It is an IDENTITY.

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Q: Is 0 equals 0 deduction or induction?
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Difference between induction and deduction?

Induction is reasoning down to a set of principles, from facts. Deduction is going from a generalized down to particulars.

What is the science of deduction?

Induction in the opposite direction

Does deduction end or start with a generalization?

Deduction STARTS with a generaliztaion! Induction ENDS with a generalization!

The building blocks of science in research-deduction and induction?

In research, deduction involves reasoning from general principles to specific conclusions, while induction involves drawing general conclusions from specific observations. Both deduction and induction are important in developing hypotheses, testing theories, and advancing scientific knowledge through logic and evidence.

Does the Declaration of Independence use induction or deduction?

The Declaration of Independence uses DEDUCTIVE thinking

Using what you know to guess what happens in a story is called?

* deduction * induction * speculation

What would the federal payroll deduction be for married 0 for the amount 1800.00?

The federal payroll deduction for married 0 for the amount 1800.00 would be 0. The federal payroll deduction for married 0 for the amount 1800.00 would be 0.

Example of different kinds of reasoning in geometry?

Intuition, induction, and deduction are types of reasoning used in geometry. Deduction uses logic to form a conclusion based on given statements.

What rhymes with suction?

abduction, conduction, construction, deduction, destruction, induction, instruction, obstruction, production, reduction, seduction

What rhymes with instructs?

construction, deconstruction, destruction induction

What is true 15 plus 0 equals 0 15-0 equals 0 15 percent 0 equals 0 0 percent 15 equals 0?

15 percent 0 equals 0; 0 percent 15 equals 0. Both the above are true

Do you still get a charitable deduction for junk car donation?

You can still get a tax deduction for the donation of your old car. You will receive a deduction that equals the actual fair market value of the vehicle, and you cannot automatically receive the maximum allowance.