Positive numbers are greater than negative numbers. Decimals can be either positive or negative.
A positive number is greater than zero; a negative number is less than zero.
No. All positive numbers are greater than zero and all negative numbers are less than zero. Therefore, all positive numbers are greater than all negative numbers. That said, there is a such thing as absolute value, which is how far a number is from zero. For example the absolute value of -10 is 10. The absolute value of a negative number can be greater than that of a positive number.
ANY positive number is greater than any negative number. Imagine you are digging a hole, and piling up the dirt you remove from the hole. The hole represents negative numbers- it goes lower than the surface. The piled up dirt represents positive numbers- it is higher than the surface. The surface is zero- neither positive or negative.
Positive numbers are greater than negative numbers. Decimals can be either positive or negative.
A negative number is less than a positive number. Think about it this way: a negative number is less than 0. A positive number is greater than 0. Therefore, a negative number must be less than a positive number.
a positive number is always greater than a negative number
A positive number is greater than zero; a negative number is less than zero.
In math, a positive is a number greater then zero, and a negative number is less than zero.
No. All positive numbers are greater than zero and all negative numbers are less than zero. Therefore, all positive numbers are greater than all negative numbers. That said, there is a such thing as absolute value, which is how far a number is from zero. For example the absolute value of -10 is 10. The absolute value of a negative number can be greater than that of a positive number.
In math, a positive is a number greater then zero, and a negative number is less than zero.
You didn't say what the numbers were but if the negative number was of greater value (for example -2 + 1) than your answer would be negative. But if the positive number had greater value (2 + -1) than your answer would be positive.
Any positive number is greater than zero. Negative numbers are less than zero. good answer but a positive number is a number without a - or the word negative in front of it