No, there is no smallest decimal number. Decimal numbers represent real numbers and between any two real numbers there are infinitely many other real numbers. So, there are infinitely many decimal numbers between 0 and your 1.02: each one will be smaller than 1.02
64.0 is the smallest decimal
3.301*102 = 336.702
102 as 102/2 = 51 102/3 = 34
102 %
102 250ths as a decimal = 0.408
It is: 102 and 9/10 = 102.9 as a decimal
102% = 1.02
From smallest to biggest they are: -102, -6, -4 and 5
102 percent = 102/100 = 1.02
102 is the smallest three digit number with different digits.
64.0 is the smallest decimal
3.301*102 = 336.702
102 as 102/2 = 51 102/3 = 34
0.0003 is the smallest decimal in this situation.
102 %
There is no smallest decimal - just as there is no largest number. If x was said to be the smallest decimal, inserting a zero immediately after the decimal point would give a number equal to a tenth of x - ie smaller than x.