Yes, it is. Because it can be expressed as a ratio of two integers: 1517/1000.
1517 is not prime. It is divisible by 37.
The number 1517 in Roman numerals would be MDXVII
It is a multiple of 37.
As much as, in these days of uncertainty, anything can be anything. As long as the constraints of a rational number are kept to, a rational number will always remain a rational number.
1517 is not prime. It is divisible by 37.
The number 1517 in Roman numerals would be MDXVII
It is a rational number. It can be written as a fraction.
It is a multiple of 37.
Is 12.05 a rational number or irrational number?
It is the same as 1517 AD.It is the same as 1517 AD.It is the same as 1517 AD.It is the same as 1517 AD.It is the same as 1517 AD.It is the same as 1517 AD.It is the same as 1517 AD.It is the same as 1517 AD.It is the same as 1517 AD.It is the same as 1517 AD.It is the same as 1517 AD.
1.96 is a rational number
It is a rational number, as it can be written as a fraction.
Yes, the sum is always rational.