The prime number between 1010 and 1019 is 1013. A prime number is a natural number greater than 1 that cannot be formed by multiplying two smaller natural numbers. In this case, 1013 is a prime number because it is only divisible by 1 and itself, with no other factors.
Yes. 1013 is a prime number.
13.7 billion in scientific notation is 1.37 x 1010 in the short scale, such as used in the US, and 1.37 x 1013 in the long scale, such as used in the UK.
It is 10 trillion which is: 1.0*1013 in scientific notation.
Either 5.3 x 1010 or 5.3 x 1013 depending on your country's definition of billion.
The prime number between 1010 and 1019 is 1013. A prime number is a natural number greater than 1 that cannot be formed by multiplying two smaller natural numbers. In this case, 1013 is a prime number because it is only divisible by 1 and itself, with no other factors.
Yes. 1013 is a prime number.
None. 1013 is a prime number.
1013 is prime - its only factors are one and itself.
Three 1009 1013 1019
It is 5.0*1013 metres, or 5.0*1010 kilometres. Although higher prefices do exist, they are not normally used in the context of distances. Scientific notation is usually the preferred option.It is 5.0*1013 metres, or 5.0*1010 kilometres. Although higher prefices do exist, they are not normally used in the context of distances. Scientific notation is usually the preferred option.It is 5.0*1013 metres, or 5.0*1010 kilometres. Although higher prefices do exist, they are not normally used in the context of distances. Scientific notation is usually the preferred option.It is 5.0*1013 metres, or 5.0*1010 kilometres. Although higher prefices do exist, they are not normally used in the context of distances. Scientific notation is usually the preferred option.
It is: 1013
The Angstrom is a very small unit of linear measure. It so small that it is used in spectrometry to express the wavelength of light. It is 1 x 10-10 meters (or 10-10 m). That means that there are 1 x 1010 (or 1010) angstroms in just 1 meter. A kilometer (km) is 1000 meters, which is 103 meters, so there would be 1013 angstroms in a kilometer. (We add exponents: 1010 x 103 = 1010 + 3 = 1013.) As there are 1013 angstroms in a kilometer, there will be 10-13 kilometers in an angstrom. (We inverted to find that.) If you have 25 angstroms that you want to convert to kilometers, that's 25 x 10-13 kilometers in the 25 angstroms.
997, 1009, 1013, 1019 . . .
1013 + 1013 = 2,026
201 954 1013
13.7 billion in scientific notation is 1.37 x 1010 in the short scale, such as used in the US, and 1.37 x 1013 in the long scale, such as used in the UK.