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IQ is meant to be age adjusted so the age should be totally irrelevant. The IQ score, adjusted for age, is 100 with a standard deviation of 15. So 105 is somewhat above average: about 1 in 3 boys aged 13 would score 105 or more.

What is more important, though, is what the IQ score measures. While the test is important because it is widely [mis]used as an assessment tool, all that it measures is your ability to do IQ tests. And this is not sour grapes: I have a measured IQ of 138 (not quite genius, which is 140) but that is because I am exceptionally good at doing tests. My training, as a mathematician, and my interest in languages enable me to score well above my inherent intelligence. Also, IQ tests take absolutely no account of other skills and abilities: such as music or art or physical prowess. Many a world class musician would probably perform disastrously in an IQ test.

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Q: Is 105 a good IQ score for 13 year old boy?
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WOW that's really good i got 132 IQ score and im 12 years old(girl)

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