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Q: Is 10 million years pretty fast on a cosmic time scale?
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When is the next cosmic year?

Based on a conservative estimation of rotational time around the galaxy, the next "cosmic year" will be in about 110 million years.

What is the Period of orbit of the sun?

The orbit of the sun (a cosmic year) is around 225 million years.

What was in the air 1 million years ago?

The air 1 million years ago was pretty much the same as it is now.

Who long does it take our solar system to orbit the milky way galaxy?

About 200-250 million earth years. This is known as a Cosmic Year or a Galactic Year,

How fast does the sun orbit the center of the galaxy?

About once every 200-225 million years. The fancy shmancy term for this is "Cosmic Year".

What does one Ma on the geological time scale represent?

One million years on the geological time scale represents one million years of Earth's history. It is a unit of time used to measure and discuss long-term geological events and processes.

How many cosmic years old is the Sun?

The Sun is approximately 4.6 billion years old in cosmic years, which is based on the age of the solar system.

How many galactic years have earth experienced?

Earth has experienced approximately 225-250 million years of galactic years since it formed around 4.5 billion years ago. A galactic year, also known as a cosmic year or a cosmic calendar year, represents the time it takes for the Sun to orbit once around the center of the Milky Way galaxy.

How long ago were dinosaurs common?

They died out around sixtyfive million years ago- but I'd imagine they'd be pretty common before then.

Which era had the longest era?

It's not a brilliant question you haven't said what scale you're looking at - Cosmic, Geologic, etc,Geological time is divided as follows:Hadean 800 million yearsArchean 1300 million yearsProterozoic 1958 million yearsPhanerozoic 542 million years Paleozoic 291 million yearsMesozoic 184.5 million yearsCenozoic 66.5 million years Cretaceous PaleoceneEoceneOligocenePaleogeneNeogene MiocenePlioceneQuaternary PleistoceneHoloceneThe Earth is over 4.5 billion years old, We live in the Holocene Epoch of the Quatenary Period of the Cenozoic Era of the Phanerozoic Eon

Describe where dinosaurs fit into the geologic time scale?

Between 222 million years ago and present, because birds are technically dinosaurs, but traditional dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago.

How long does it take for the milky way to make one rotation?

The Milky Way takes about 200-250 million years to complete one rotation. This is known as its galactic year or cosmic year.