No. (122 = 144) and (132 = 169)
No, the square root of 122 is 11.04536101718726.
5 is not a square number, the square numbers are: 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 122 144
You can't, since 122 isn't divisible by a perfect square.
The conversion is: square feet divided by 0.093 = square meters.122 / 0.093 = ~11.334 m2
No. (122 = 144) and (132 = 169)
No, the square root of 122 is 11.04536101718726.
12 (122 = 144, the closest square root)
5 is not a square number, the square numbers are: 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 122 144
Rounded to the nearest hundredth, the square root of 122 is 11.04
122 = 144 72 = 49 144 - 49 = 95
You can't, since 122 isn't divisible by a perfect square.
The conversion is: square feet divided by 0.093 = square meters.122 / 0.093 = ~11.334 m2
122 sq metres = 1313.2 sq ft
122 square inches
A wild guess would be Survey Number 122