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Q: Is 122 level of ldl good?
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What is a healthy cholesterol level for everyone?

There are different types of cholesterol, LDL and HDL. HDL is the good cholesterol, the higher it is, the better it is for you. LDL is the bad cholesterol, which meant the lower it is, the better for your health.

What is the normal level for bad cholesterol?

Your LDL or bad cholesterol level is the one that you should be most concerned about. 200 is a good number, but a cholesterol level around 100 is considered optimal.

What exactly is cholesterol ratio?

Your LDL Cholesterol Level should be at about 80-100. This is a good number for a healthy patient and will keep you healthy. If you stay at this level, you will probably not have any heart attacks.

What level does wailmer evolve to wailord?

at level 122

What does LDL test measure?

The LDL test measures the level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in the blood. LDL cholesterol is known as "bad" cholesterol because it can contribute to the build-up of plaques in the arteries, increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Hdl and ldl prevent cardiovascular disease?

You want your HDL (good) to be higher and your LDL (bad) to be lower.

What does LDL of 231 and HDL of 47 mean?

LDL (bad cholesterol) of 104 is reasonably low - and this is good. HDL(good cholesterol) of 65 is significantly high - and this is also good!

Are wallnuts a source of LDL?

Wallnuts don't contain LDL, by the contrary, they decrease the Low Density Lipid levels, which is known as the bad cholesterol. LDL is produced by the liver when the HDL level is low. It isn't a fat that makes part of any food. LDL level in the blood stream is optimum when below of 100 mg/dl. HDL level is desirable when over 35/40 mg/dl. Wallnuts have many others fantastic medicinal properties.

Why is is important to know your cholesterol level?

There are two types of cholesterol in our blood; the good HDL and the bad LDL, which stand for high and low density lipoprotein. Elevated levels of LDL cholesterol are a high risk factor for coronary artery disease as a result of hardening of the arteries.

What is the desirable LDL (bad) cholesterol level?

Obviously there is no desirable (bad) cholesterol level.

Why are your HDL and triglicerides low and your LDL is high?

In normal person level of HDL should be high because it is HIGH DENSITY LIPID which are good for the body and if LDL( low density lipid) id high means u are hyperlipidemia. So you have to go for anti-hyperlipidimic drugs