Yes, 12 cups is greater than 1 quart. 1 quart is equal to 4 cups.
12 cups = 96 ounces, 1 gallon = 128 ounces so 1 gallon is greater than 12 cups.
12 pints = 24 cups
Less than.
Yes. There are 2 cups in a pint, so 12 pints is 4 times the amount of 6 cups.
Yes, 12 cups is greater than 1 quart. 1 quart is equal to 4 cups.
12 cups is grater than 3 pints
12 cups is greater than 3 pints because 3 pints is the same as 6 cups, meaning 12cups > 6cups (3pints)
12 cups = 96 ounces, 1 gallon = 128 ounces so 1 gallon is greater than 12 cups.
12 pints = 24 cups
4 pints X 2 cups/pint = 8 cups < 12 cups
they are equal
Less than.
Yes. There are 2 cups in a pint, so 12 pints is 4 times the amount of 6 cups.
To find how many quarts are in 12 cups, first you divide 12 by 4, that makes 3 quarts equal to 12 cups.
Yes. There are 2 cups in a pint, so 12 pints is 4 times the amount of 6 cups.