131 is a Prime number because it has only two factors which are itself and one
131 is a prime number because its only factors are 1 and itself…your welcome
31937 is a composite number while 131 is a prime number
No because the product of its prime factors are: 131*151 = 19781 Therefore it is a composite number
131 is a prime number. A prime number is a number with two and only two factors: 1 (also known as unity) and itself. A composite number is a number with more than two factors; in other words, it has at least one factor besides 1 and itself. To confirm that 131 is a prime number, you can check whether it can be evenly divided by all the prime numbers less than or equal to the integer part of its square root; in other words, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 11.
4, composite. 67, prime.
It is a prime because its only factors are 1 and 131.
131 is a prime number because its only factors are 1 and itself…your welcome
31937 is a composite number while 131 is a prime number
No because the product of its prime factors are: 131*151 = 19781 Therefore it is a composite number
A prime number is a number that is divisible only by 1 and itself; it has no other factors. A composite number is a number that is divisible by more than 2 numbers. The only factors of 131 are 1 and itself. Therefore, 131 is a prime number.
393 is a composite number. A prime number has exactly two factors, 1 and the number itself. 393 has 4 factors, 1, 3, 131, and 393, so 393 is a composite.
131 is a prime number. A prime number is a number with two and only two factors: 1 (also known as unity) and itself. A composite number is a number with more than two factors; in other words, it has at least one factor besides 1 and itself. To confirm that 131 is a prime number, you can check whether it can be evenly divided by all the prime numbers less than or equal to the integer part of its square root; in other words, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 11.
neither prime or composite
It is prime
It would be impossible to list them all, since numbers go on forever, but here are some of them: 2 - Prime 3 - Prime 4 - Composite 5 - Prime 6 - Composite 7 - Prime 8 - Composite 9 - Composite 10 - Composite 11 - Prime 12 - Composite 13 - Prime 14 - Composite 15 - Composite 16 - Composite 17 - Prime 18 - Composite 19 - Prime 20 - Composite 21 - Composite 22 - Composite 23 - Prime 24 - Composite 25 - Composite 26 - Composite 27 - Composite 28 - Composite 29 - Prime 30 - Composite 31 - Prime 32 - Composite 33 - Composite 34 - Composite 35 - Composite 36 - Composite 37 - Prime 38 - Composite 39 - Composite 40 - Composite 41 - Prime 42 - Composite 43 - Prime 44 - Composite 45 - Composite 46 - Composite 47 - Prime 48 - Composite 49 - Composite 50 - Composite
131 is already prime. No tree.
4, composite. 67, prime.