5% of 1500 = 5% * 1500 = 0.05 * 1500 = 75
1500 * 0.05 = 75
Seventy-eight thousand, two hundred fifteen.
Fifteen thousand, fifteen hundred, and fifteen dollars can be written numerically as $15,515. This is because fifteen thousand is written as 15,000, fifteen hundred is written as 1,500, and fifteen is written as 15. When you add these numbers together, you get a total of 15,000 + 1,500 + 15 = 15,515.
The numeral 1500 is "one thousand five hundred."Colloquially and not formally, the number is also stated as fifteen hundred.
One thousand five hundred or fifteen hundred.
5% of 1500 = 5% * 1500 = 0.05 * 1500 = 75
It would be 1500 pounds.
70% of 1500 is 1050 when deducted from 1500 is 450
USD $1,500.00
Yes, 1500.00 is the same as 1500
1500 * 0.05 = 75
El año de 1500 (mil quinientos) --- (fifteen hundred)Quinientos (five hundred)
If you mean on the "dollars" line, you could either write it as "one thousand five hundred" or as "fifteen hundred".
One thousand five hundred and 00/100 dollars