They are equal.
0.325 L = 325 ml
270 is less than 1500, because 1500-270 > 0.
three liters are more than a gallon
5 litres is more.
5 liters is more than 520 milliliters. To convert liters to milliliters, you need to multiply by 1000 because there are 1000 milliliters in a liter. So, 5 liters is equal to 5000 milliliters, which is greater than 520 milliliters.
4 liters is equal to 4000 milliliters, which is greater than 3500 milliliters. To convert liters to milliliters, you multiply by 1000 since there are 1000 milliliters in a liter. Therefore, 4 liters is 4000 milliliters, making it more than 3500 milliliters.
cups is less precise.
They are equal.
1.62 litres are more because it is 1620 millilitres (1 litre = 1000 ml). You can also say 1.62 litres is more because 1500 ml = 1.5 litre.
2000 milliliters is more than 1 liter. 1 liter is equal to 1000 milliliters, so 2000 milliliters is twice the amount of 1 liter.
Well, darling, 9 liters is equivalent to 9000 milliliters, so 8997 milliliters is technically less than 9 liters. But hey, who's counting those extra 3 milliliters anyway? Just grab yourself a drink and call it a day!
is 7 liters
No,There are 1,000milliliters in a liter, making liters bigger then milliliters.
The total amount of water in the beaker was 0.5 liters (500 milliliters) + 300 milliliters = 800 milliliters.
They are both correct. 15000 mL is often too big of a number in terms of units , so, 1.5 L is all the more better to write because of it's simplicity. 1.5 L is technically 15000mL, it's just another unit.1L = 1000mL
According to our calculations, 1500 is more than 2.5 .(We passed our work-sheets around the office, and 16 out of 19 of our expertsagreed with this conclusion.)