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If you convert the grams to kilograms (divide by 1000), you can easily compare.

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Q: Is 150 kg more than less than or equal to 15000 g?
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No..less then means that you have less then one thing..equal means you have the same and no more thenEASY ANSWER:Yes

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It depends on what you mean by "more or less". If more or less is used to indicate approximately or nearly equal to, then the symbol used is ≈ which look like a wriggly equals symbol. If more or less is used for more than or less than but not equal to, then you would use an equals sign with a diagonal line through it ≠ which stands for "not equal to" You are right but if it's more than or less than it would look like this (less than)<(more) or (more than)>

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No, if you want "not more than", then use "less than or equal to".

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