15 Euros = 12.7228244 British pounds
15 British pounds = 17.6847524 Euros
It depends of the exchange rate between Sterling and the Euro at the time of exchange.
Use the currency converter at the link below to get the current value.
22.8 sp
They are all the same ... a Quid is a Pound is a Pound Sterling.
the euro the same as the other 15 member states of the eu (except Britain which use pound sterling)
No. The "Pound Sterling" is the currency of Great Britain (GBP). The "Euro" is the combined currency of the European Union. See Universal Currency Converter link
No. Wales uses Sterling not the Euro.
The exchange for 54 Euro into British sterling is 44.61 British pound sterling.
Northern Ireland does not use the Euro. Northern Ireland and England use the same currency, which is Sterling. So there is no conversion rate.
1 Euro = 0.872580942 British pounds
4830 euros is 3893.27 British Pound Sterling
im pretty sure its the sterling pounds.
No. Northern Ireland uses Sterling and the Republic of Ireland uses the Euro.
Dublin uses the Euro, as it is in the Republic of Ireland. Belfast uses Sterling, as it is in Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom.