They would be 15 years old.
As of 2009, 15 years
To determine your age in 2009 if you were born in 1994, you subtract 1994 from 2009. This calculation results in 15, so you would be 15 years old in 2009.
16 years old. Born July 15, 1994
If you are born on March 14, 1994 you would currently be 15 years old turning 16 on March 14, 2010.
If you are 15 you were born in 1994
They would be 15 years old.
As of 2009, 15 years
15 years old
15 years old as of 2010.
To determine your age in 2009 if you were born in 1994, you subtract 1994 from 2009. This calculation results in 15, so you would be 15 years old in 2009.
He is 15 years old and his birthday is 12 December 1994
Anterez was born on April 23, 1994. he is 15 years old.
16 years old. Born July 15, 1994
You would be 15 years old.
Wyatt Smith is 15 years old because he was born in 1994
15 or 16 years old (depends on the month you were born).