N/A - 1999 is a prime number.
No, I don't think the number 1999 has a prime factorization. I think the numberis just prime.
Yes, of 1 since 1 x 1999 = 1999. Other than 1 and 1999, no since 1999 is a prime.
Last prime of the 20th Century was 1999. Last prime of the 21st Century will be 2099.
1999 is prime1999 is already prime.
N/A - 1999 is a prime number.
1999 is a prime number. It has no positive integer factors other than itself and 1.
No, I don't think the number 1999 has a prime factorization. I think the numberis just prime.
Yes, of 1 since 1 x 1999 = 1999. Other than 1 and 1999, no since 1999 is a prime.
Last prime of the 20th Century was 1999. Last prime of the 21st Century will be 2099.
1999 is prime1999 is already prime.
1999 can be both the factor of another number and a multiple. For example, 1999 is a multiple of 1 (1 x 1999 = 1999). This is the only example of where 1999 is a multiple of an integer (as 1999 is prime). An example of 1999 being a factor is when looking at the number 3998. 2x1999=3998, therefore 1999 is a factor of 3998. There are many numbers (infinitely many) which have 1999 as a factor.
the prime minister in 1999 was john howard
John Howard was the Prime Minister of Australia in 1999.
13 prime number years 1901, 1907, 1913, 1931, 1933, 1949, 1951, 1973, 1979, 1987, 1993, 1997 and 1999.
You is called a prime number!You is called a prime number!You is called a prime number!You is called a prime number!
It is prime its only factors are 1 and itself.