No. - To verify this, you can divide 1 / 3 in a calculator, and 2 / 5. You will get different decimals. More formally correct is to convert the fractions to a common denominator.
-3-2-5-1 is equal to -11
5-3=2 1=2=3 3*2=6
6-3=3 and 5-2=3 and 4-1=3 and 3-0=3 and 2-(-1)=1
1 - 3/5 = 5/5 - 3/5 = 2/5.
1+2*3+4-5 = 6
no. to find out if 2/5 & 1/3 are equal you have to find the common numerator. 2/5 * 3/3 = 6/15 1/3 * 5/5 = 515 6/15 and 5/15 are not equal.
5/5=1 1+2=3 3*8=24
No. 1/5 is equal to 2/10