.12 is 12% as a decimal.
Converting 2012000 to a decimal requires information on the base used.
It is: 1 and 1/8 = 1.125 as a decimal.
It is: 1/8 = 0.125 as a decimal
.12 is 12% as a decimal.
12 thousandths = 0.12 in decimal
Converting 2012000 to a decimal requires information on the base used.
12 over 1000 (.1 is 1/10 .01 is 1/100 and .001 is 1/1000) If you multiply .012 by 1000 you will get 12 (a whole number without a remainder.) Which is why 12 divided by 1000 equals .012 or 12/1000 = .012 Just like each place number before a decimal is a multiple of 10 (eg 1, 10, 100, 1,000 etc) so each place number after a decimal is a devision of 10 as shown above.
It is: 1 and 1/8 = 1.125 as a decimal.
If you mean 1/8 then as a decimal it is 0.125
It is: 1/8 = 0.125 as a decimal
1/8 in a fraction means 1 divided by 8, so the decimal of 1/8 is 0.125.
The fraction 1/8 as a decimal is 0.125
1/8 = 0.125 as a decimal, or 12.5%