1 is a factor of any number.
A divisor is number that are divisabel by any number
Any number ending in 5 will have 5 as a divisor.
Any number divided by itself results in '1'.
Any non-zero number can be the divisor of a fraction.
1 is a divisor of every number.
It is a fraction in which the divisor is a whole number. The dividend (or numerator) can be any number.
1, with 1 as the odd divisor.
The greatest divisor of any number is the number itself. So, in this case, 135.
No. Division by 0 is not defined so 0 is not a divisor of any number.
1 has only one divisor. It's divisor is the number one.
It is not possible to give a sensible answer to this question. The least common divisor (LCD) refers to a divisor that is COMMON to two or more numbers. You have only one number in the question!
The divisor of a number is a number which divides into that number. The least divisor of any number 1, so the least common divisor of 10 and 45 is also 1. Perhaps you meant "Least Common Multiple" (the smallest positive number which 10 and 45 divide without remainder) in which case LCM(10, 45) = 90 Or you meant "Highest Common Factor" (the largest positive number which divides into both 10 and 45 without remainder) in which case HCF(10, 45) = 5.
a divisor of a number
An integer is any number which can be either positive and negative but not a fractional number. It is also a whole number. Examples are -1,256, -589, -1, 0, 1, 569, 5,236. It is always a rational number. By definition, a rational number is the division of two integers, where the divisor is not zero. Since the divisor is 1 when the number is an integer, then all integers are rational.
In any division sum, for example, 12 / 4 = 3, the divisor is the second number - the one that the number is divided by.