1 3/4 teaspoon (or 1.75tsp) is equal to: 0.58 tbsp 8.6 mL 0.29 oz US
One teaspoon = how many cc's?
8 oz.
1/16 lb, 1/8 cup, 1/32 qt, and 1/128 gl are equal to 1 oz.
Three teaspoons are equal to one tablespoon.
0.83 oz 1 oz = 6 tsp 1 tsp = 0.16 oz
12 tsp 1 oz = 6 tsp 1 tsp = 0.16 oz
45 tsp 1 oz = 6 tsp 1 tsp = 0.16 oz
Approx. 1 1/2 1Teaspoon = 1/6 oz =.166666 oz. 1/2 Teaspoon = .083333 oz. 1 1/2 Teaspoon = .249999 oz. .282191 oz - .249999 oz. = .032192 oz. or 3/100 of am ounce net balance.
1 teaspoon is 5gm. -1 ounce is 28.34 gm . So an ounce is 5.7 teaspoons.
0.21 tsp 1 ounce = 6 teaspoons 1 teaspoon = 0.16 ounce
12 tsp 1 oz = 6 tsp 1 tsp = 0.16 oz
There are approximately 144 teaspoons in 3 oz. This means that one teaspoon of food coloring is roughly equivalent to 0.0208 oz.
1 3/4 teaspoon (or 1.75tsp) is equal to: 0.58 tbsp 8.6 mL 0.29 oz US
2 oz 1 ounce = 6 teaspoons 1 teaspoon = 0.16 ounce
2.25 tsp 1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons 1 teaspoon = 0.33 tablespoon