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Type your answer here... 1 light-year = 9460730472580800 metres... So no it's not the same.

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Q: Is 1 year the same as 1 lightyear?
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Is meter longer than a lightyear?

1 light year = 9,461,000,000,000,000 meters

How many metres are there in a lightyear?

1 lightyear = 9.46 × 1015 metres

Why is a lightyear a measurement of distance not time?

Because the definition of a lightyear is: how long light can travel in a year. Hope this helped;)

Who was buzz lightyear in Toy Story 1?

Tim Allen provided the voice of Buzz Lightyear .

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buzz light year. because he is amazing

How is a lightyear calculated?

It means how far light travels in a year.

How many kilometers make up a lightyear?

1 light year = 9.46*1012 km or 9.46 trillion km (approx)

How big is 1 lightyear?

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Lightyear Capital was created in 2002.

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A lightyear is a much larger distance.

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Lightyear Capital's population is 20.