Half is 1/2, One-eighth is 1/8, One-fourth is 1/4 and Two-eighths is 2/8
The second and fourth quantities in the above list have 8 as the denominator. So we need to convert the first and third items also to have 8 in the denominator. To make 1/2 to a number with 8 as a denominator, we need to multiply 2 by 4, but we cannot arbitrarily multiply just the denominator without changing the value of the number. What we do to the denominator, we must also do to the numerator to preserve the value. So now 1/2 becomes 4/8. Using a similar argument and methodology 1/4 becomes 2/8.
Now the fractions are 4/8, 1/8, 2/8, and 2/8. Since the denominators are the same value, we just need to look at the numerators and we find that 4 is bigger than 1, 2, and 2. (Note that the third and fourth numbers are equal, this means that the original corresponding numbers 1/4 and 2/8 are equivalent). Since the first number is the largest in the group, we conclude that in fact One-half is greater than the other three fractions.
two thirds cup
a whole
1half+1half 3quarters+1quarter
Yes 5/8 is greater than 1/2 which is made up of only 4/8