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Q: Is 20-20 vision better than 20-10 vision?
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What does 25 25 vision mean?

that means that you have perfect vision__________________________________________________________The numerator refers to within what distance of certain objects you have to be to distinguish them. The denominator refers to within what distance of certain objects a "normal" person has to be to distinguish them. Therefore, 25/25 vision is much like 20/20 vision in that it indicates normal/perfect vision. If the numerator is greater than the denominator (20/15), one's vision is better than normal. If the denominator is greater than the denominator (20/40), one's vision is worse than normal.

Are fractions better than decimals?

I Think Decimals Are Better Than Fractions

What organ has many cones in it?

The human eye has colour-sensitive cones in the back of the retina which are sensitive to green, blue and red light. They are also used for your central vision, which is what you focus your vision on. Rods are used for peripheral and night vision; they are found on other areas of the eye aside from the back. Their quality is poorer than cones, which is why your peripheral vision is a poorer quality than central (this is also why you cannot see stars when you stare at them directly)

How old would you be in 2020?

If your birthday is between 1 January and 15 January (today's date) then your age will be given by 2020 less your year of birth. If your birthday is between 16 January and 31 December then your age will be one year less than the age provided by the calculation above.

Is dirt 1 better than dirt 3?

No, Dirt 3 is better than Dirt 1.

Related questions

Is 2015 vision better or worse than 2020 vision?

2015 vision is better because it means that you can see objects at a closer distance. So basically, something you're supposed to see at 20 feet you can see at 15.

What is a good saying for class of 2010?

"Our vision for the future is better than 20/20"

Is 2015 vision better than 2020 vision?

All 2015 means is that a person with 2015 vision can clearly see somthing 20 feet away that most people would need to be no more than 15 feet from. To this end, it is better. A person with 20/100 vision can see something 20 feet away that most people could normally see 100 feet away. --Yes, 20/15 is better vision than 20/20.

Is 20 15 vision better than 20 20?

Yes, 20 15 vision is better than 20 20 vision.

Do cats have better vision than dogs?

Cats generally have better vision than dogs in low light conditions, but dogs have better peripheral vision and motion detection.

Is 20 16 vision better than 20 20?

Yes, 20 16 is better it means you have better than perfect vision

What is 2010 vision?

20/10 vision refers to vision better than 20/20. A person having 20/10 vision would be able to see something at 20 feet that a person with 20/20 vision would see at 10 feet.

Do cats have better eyesight than dogs?

Cats generally have better eyesight than dogs, as they have a wider field of vision and better night vision.

Which animal, cats or dogs, has better vision?

Dogs generally have better vision than cats, as they have a wider field of vision and better ability to see in low light.

Who can see better, cats or dogs?

Cats generally have better vision than dogs, as they have a wider field of view and better night vision.

Do cats see better than humans?

In the general sense no. In the day time humans have the ability to see better. If you are talking strictly about night vision, than yes. Cats are nocturnal animals, hence their night vision in superb

Can some African people have better than 2020 eyesight?

Yes, it is possible for some African people to have better than 20/20 eyesight. Visual acuity can vary among individuals, and some people may have better vision due to genetics, lifestyle factors, or corrective measures like glasses or contact lenses.