Yes. 205 is divisible by 5, so it is composite.
The numbers which are multiples of 205 (eg 410)
Do the division! If you get an integer (i.e., no decimals), then it is divisible.
To get a number divisible by 205, take the quantity "205x" and make 'x' any number you want.Caution: There are an infinite number of them.
Yes, 205 is divisible by these numbers: 1, 5, 41, 205.
Yes. 205 is divisible by 5, so it is composite.
No. 205 is not evenly divisible by nine.
1 x 205 = 205, for starters. Since 205 is divisible by 5, we can find a number to multiply by 5 to get 205. This will be 205/5, or 41. 5 x 41 = 205. Since 5 and 41 are the only prime factors of 205, there are no other positive solutions.
To find a number between 200 and 300 that is divisible by 5, we need to look for multiples of 5 within that range. The first multiple of 5 after 200 is 205, and the last multiple before 300 is 295. Therefore, the number between 200 and 300 that is divisible by 5 is 205.
410 is divisible by 1, 2, 5, 10, 41, 82, 205, and 410.
No, it is divisible by 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 41, 82, 164, 205, 410, 820.
1, 2, 5, 10, 41, 82, 205, 410.
No, 205 divided by 2 is 102.5
The numbers which are multiples of 205 (eg 410)
205 ends in the digit 5, so it is obviously divisible by 5. 205/5 = 41 41, like 5, is a prime number which can only be divided without a remander by itself and 1. So the answer is 5 and 41 (and of course 1, which "goes into" all numbers.