No, 20 is not a Prime number. It is divisible by 2, 4, 5, and 10, in addition to 1 and 20.
Yes, 5 is prime.
Yes, 7,753 is prime
i think you mean prime? if you do then yes 47 is a prime number
a prim number is a number that only one and its self can go it to it ....... And a composite number is when other numbers can go in to it
11 and 13 13 and 17 17 and 19
yes, 453 is a prime number
Yes, 5 is prime.
Yes, 7,753 is prime
i think you mean prime? if you do then yes 47 is a prime number
Ragnhild Prim was born on September 20, 1890.
Any of the following: 11, 13, 17, 19.
There were 20 pieces of paper with her name, 1 with Prim, if thats what youre looking for. They had no other number.
a prim number is a number that only one and its self can go it to it ....... And a composite number is when other numbers can go in to it
11 and 13 13 and 17 17 and 19
no it is not a prime number