A number which is divisible by only itself and one is called a Prime number.
2145 is not a prime number because it is divisible by 5.
Remark: Any counting number ending with number 5(except 5 itself) is a composite number.
Prime factorization of 960 = 26 x 3 x 5 Prime factorization of 2145 = 3 x 5 x 11 x13
The common factors of 960 and 2145 are: 1, 3, 5 & 15.
Prime factor both numbers then multiply all the numbers the number of times it appears the most. 165=3x5x11 195=3x5x13 3x5x11x13=Lcm=2145
2.145 = 2145/1000 = 429/2002.145 = 2145/1000 = 429/2002.145 = 2145/1000 = 429/2002.145 = 2145/1000 = 429/200
There are three feet in one yard, so: 2145/3 = 715 There are 715 yards in 2145 feet.
No, 234 and 2145 are not relatively prime.
Prime factorization of 960 = 26 x 3 x 5 Prime factorization of 2145 = 3 x 5 x 11 x13
The common factors of 960 and 2145 are: 1, 3, 5 & 15.
Prime factor both numbers then multiply all the numbers the number of times it appears the most. 165=3x5x11 195=3x5x13 3x5x11x13=Lcm=2145
2.145 = 2145/1000 = 429/2002.145 = 2145/1000 = 429/2002.145 = 2145/1000 = 429/2002.145 = 2145/1000 = 429/200
(404) 939-2145
2145 715,3 143,5,3 13,11,5,3
All numbers are divisible by 2145. Any element of the set of numbers of the form 2145*k where k is an integer is evenly divisible.
ask the browser "convert 2145 km to miles" 2145 kilometers = 1 332.84121 miles
There are three feet in one yard, so: 2145/3 = 715 There are 715 yards in 2145 feet.
2145 feet=715 yards
The LCM of 2145 and 6 is 4290