216 square inches is 1.5 square feet.
The square root of 216 is 14.6969384567. This cubed is 3174.53870665.
You're thinking of 125. The next perfect cube is 216.
216 square feet (12 x 18 = 216)
12' x 18' = 216 square feet1 square yard = 9 square feet216 square feet = (216 / 9) = 24 square yards
no, it is not a perfect square, but it can be reduced to: 6 time the square root of 6
(x - 6 times the square root of 6)(x + 6 times the square root of 6)
The square root of 216 is ~14.7
46656 is the square of 216 and the cube of 36 2^6 x 3^6 is the square of a cube and the cube of a square.
216 square inches is 1.5 square feet.
216 square feet
The square root of 216 is 14.6969384567. This cubed is 3174.53870665.
Oh, dude, the largest perfect square factor of 216 is 36. I mean, like, 36 is the square of 6, and it fits perfectly into 216 without any leftovers. It's like finding the last slice of pizza at a party - you know it's gonna be good.
Home plate is 216 square inches.
yes. 6 x 6 x 6 = 216
10 to the power of 2 is common to all these numbers. Not the answer that I am looking for... ------ How about this: All are evenly divisible by nine. Also, 225 is a perfect square (15), 216 is a perfect cube (6), and the others are prime multiples of nine... but these features are not common to the lot.