Divide 247 by 2, if you get a zero remainder then 247 is an even number, otherwise it is an odd number, try it. Good luck!
It is odd. Look at the last number. It is a seven. Seven is an odd number.
247 is not prime. 247 = 13 * 19
Any number multiplied by 247.
Odd. All numbers ending in seven are odd.
yes, it has to end in 0,2,4,6,0r 8 to be even ending in 1,3,5,7,or 9 is odd
It is odd. Look at the last number. It is a seven. Seven is an odd number.
247 is not prime. 247 = 13 * 19
Any number multiplied by 247.
Odd. All numbers ending in seven are odd.
152, as it is the only even number.
No, 247 is NOT a prime number. The simple definition of a prime number in simple math is: Any number that can only be divided by itself and the number "1", the number is then PRIME, not composite. 247 is a composite number; its factors are: 1, 13, 19, 247.
1, 13, 19, 247.
yes, it has to end in 0,2,4,6,0r 8 to be even ending in 1,3,5,7,or 9 is odd
247 is a composite number because it has more than two factors
247 is equal to 13 x 19.
No odd number from here to the moon is divisible by 2, nor any other even numeral.
no because its not even