The square root of 257 is an irrational number, as it cannot be expressed as a fraction or whole number. It is a non-repeating, non-terminating decimal.
257 is rational.
An irrational number.
257 = 100000001
When added to a rational number, any irrational number will produce an irrational number.also, when added to an irrational number, any rational number will produce an irrational number.
The square root of 257 is an irrational number, as it cannot be expressed as a fraction or whole number. It is a non-repeating, non-terminating decimal.
257 is rational.
Yes.Yes, 257 is a whole number.
257 is prime. It is only evenly divisible by itself and one.257 is prime.
For the isotope Fm-257 the mass number is 257.
Yes, 257 is a real number.
An irrational number.
257 = 100000001
No. The sum of an irrational number and any other [real] number is irrational.
The sum of a rational and irrational number must be an irrational number.
No, 3.56 is not an irrational number. 3.56 is rational.
rational * irrational = irrational.