No it is not.
Yes. 516 / 2 = 258
Yes, 258 is divisible by 6, since 43 x 6 = 258
Yes By 2 = 129 by 3 = 86
No, it is not.
Yes, but you will not get a whole number. 258/10 = 25.8
YES; 3870/15= 258
Not in a whole number, but in a decimal. It's 32.25.
Are you asking what the divisibility rule for 4 is?===========A number is divisible by 5 if it ends in a 0 or a 5=====There are two ways to test for divisibility by 4.A number is divisible by 4 if it is divisible by 2 twice. That is, the factor you get when you factor a 2 out must also be divisible by 2.Example... is 516 divisible by 4?Well, is it divisible by 2? Yes, it is even. Factor that 2 out you get 258. Is 258 also divisible by 2? Yes, it too is even. Since it was divisible by 2 and the quotient was also divisible by 2 then the original was divisible by 4.But, 4's have another rule that is simpler.All you have to do is look at the smallest two digits: the ones and tens place. You can ignore anything in the hundreds place or up. If the ones and tens place form a number that is divisible by 4 then the whole number is also divisible by 4Example: Is 52848474116 divisible by 4?Just take the last two digits off and test them. 16. Is 16 divisible by 4? Yes, so that whole mess of a number is also.