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MAP testing scores are typically reported as RIT scores, which measure a student's academic achievement and growth over time. The average RIT score for 7th grade math is around 240, so a score of 278 is considered above average and indicative of strong math skills. Similarly, the average RIT score for 7th grade ELA is around 240, so a score of 254 is also considered above average and demonstrates proficiency in English language arts.

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3w ago

Oh, dude, a score of 278 on the math MAP test for a 7th grader is like, totally fine. It's not like winning the lottery, but hey, it's decent. And a 254 in ELA? Meh, it's okay, I guess. Like, it's not setting the world on fire, but it's not like failing either. Just keep on keepin' on, my friend.

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Q: Is 278 a good score on map testing for math as a 7th grader And is 254 good for ELA?
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The Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) test is administered to thousands of students in grades 1-9 three times a year to measure achievement in reading, language usage, science, and mathematics. It is a computer adaptive test; children take the test within a computer program so that the test provides questions based on a child’s responses.After the MAP has been administered, children are given a RIT score between 95 and 300. These scores are not specific to a child’s grade level, but they are expected to increase over the course of the year as the child learns more advanced material.In the first grade, students are tested only on reading and math and they will have a different RIT score for each subject. To determine what a good MAP score is for a first grader, the child should have a RIT score at or above grade level over the three testing periods:At Grade Level Reading / Fall: 160At Grade Level Reading / Winter: 167At Grade Level Reading / Spring: 173At Grade Level Math / Fall: 164At Grade Level Math / Winter: 171At Grade Level Math / Spring: 178If a first grader has a RIT score at or higher than the above scores, then they would have what is considered a good score. If a child scores 5-10 points or lower than the above scores, their score would be considered below grade level, and in need of improvement.Ultimately, no matter what score a first grader receives on MAP, due to the multiple testing periods there are always chances for improvement.

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I think you can get a 300. I know a fifth grader who got a 289 on a math nwea test. Hope this helps!

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Who has the best map score ever?

the best map score depends on your grade,i got 230 and im 5th grader thats avergae but i do 6th and 7th grade math at home but not at school,so for a 5th grader a really good score is aroud 250

Is 210 a good score on a 5th grade math map test?

No it is not a good score. That score would probably make the 20th or 25th percentile

Is a 200 good for math map testing for a fifth grader?

I'm sorry, but that is very low... it's in the 5th percentile (or less). I am in 5th grade and my friends have scored between 230 and 245ish (i have a 264)...keep trying harder.

What is the average math map score for a seventh grader?

I got a 284 on my map. Most other people got less.Hope that helped