It is divisible by 2 and 5
A smaller number is never divisible by a larger number, so no, it is not.
No. 4/290 = 0.0137931034482759 This does not produce a whole number.
Yes. 290 / 5 = 58
It is divisible by 2 and 5
No. The sum of the digits of 290 (ie 2+9+0 = 11) is not divisible by 3, so 290 is not. NB This rule only works for 3 and 9.
Every multiple of 290 is divisible by it. There are an infinite number of them.
Yes. 2 goes into 290, 145 times. 145*2= 290
A smaller number is never divisible by a larger number, so no, it is not.
No. 4/290 = 0.0137931034482759 This does not produce a whole number.
No - 290/8 = 36.25
Yes. 290 / 5 = 58
290 and all multiples of 290.