284, 568, 852 and keep adding 284 forever.
1, 5, 43, 59, 215, 295, 2537, 12685.
To determine if any number goes into 295 evenly, we need to find its factors. The factors of 295 are 1, 5, 59, and 295. Since 295 divided by any of these factors does not result in a whole number, 295 is not divisible by any number other than itself and 1. Therefore, no number goes into 295 evenly.
In a calculater or by hand do 295/8 OR by using the divisibility rule of 8 if the last 3 digits are divisible by 8, so is the entire number. So you would still do 295/8 but now you know why.
1, 5, 59, 295 1*295=295 5*59=295 both 5 and 59 are prime numbers so nothing 'goes into' them except 1 and themselves
To find a number between 200 and 300 that is divisible by 5, we need to look for multiples of 5 within that range. The first multiple of 5 after 200 is 205, and the last multiple before 300 is 295. Therefore, the number between 200 and 300 that is divisible by 5 is 205.
1, 5, 59, 295
295 = 5 × 59
1, 5, 59, 295 5 and 59 are prime.