284 /\ 2 142 /\ 2 71
There is no "the" factor: there are many. One of the factors of 284 is 2.
The greatest factor of any number is the number itself. The greatest common factor of 71 and 92 is 1.
The common factor of 63 and 71 is and 1.
710 10 x 71 (2x5) x 71 Since 2, 5, and 71 are prime numbers, the factor tree is complete.
They can be. 2 and 71 are factors of 142, among other numbers... because obviously 71 x 2 is 142 so Yah!
284 /\ 2 142 /\ 2 71
Its factors are: 1, 2, 71 and 142
There is no "the" factor: there are many. One of the factors of 284 is 2.
The factors for 71 are 1 and 71.
71 = 1*71
1 and 71
1 and 71
142 = 1*142, 2*71
71 is a prime number, so its only factors are 1 and 71. Unless n is a multiple of 71, the greatest common factor is 1. If n is a multiple of 71, the greatest common factor is 71.
1 and 71