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Q: Is 2 hours of intercourse too much?
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Is postinor 2 effective when you have intercourse 5 hours after taking the recommended dose?

is postinor 2 effective when u have intercourse 5 hours after the recommended dose

How many hours of running is too much?

I work out, so I can run for 2 or 3 hours, but it depends on your overall fitness

How many hours is too much tv?

Well, 2 and a half hours or more is way to much and u can get blind if u are up to the TV for to long. If it is a movie and it gos for 2 hours or more that's FINE!!!

How much is too much TV?

depend on who is watching 20 years and over 6 hours max 16-20 about 2-5 hours 12-16 about 2-4 hours 10-12 about 3 hours max 7-10 about 2-3 hours and finaly 3-7 2 hours max

How much hours is 2 and a half day?

There are 60 hours in 2 and 1/2 days

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The duration of Disney's One Too is 2 hours.

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2 hours

Can you still have cervical fluid 3 days after an IUI?

Yes. It is still possible to get `fertile` (stretchy) cervical fluid (cm) days after ovulation due to estrogen. Fertile mucous should stop after ovulation, however this is not always the case.FYI- If you have one IUI scheduled 24 hours after the trigger shot, try to have intercourse at 36 hours or 48 hours after the trigger shot just in case, as washed sperm (natural intercourse) live longer than washed. If you have 2 back to back IUIs scheduled for 12 hours and 36 hours after the trigger shot, try to have intercourse 48 hours after the trigger shot. Also, try to have intercourse 2 days before ovulation (remember unwashed sperm can live in fertile mucous for a few days) to increase your chances and also to freshen the sperm for the IUI.Good Luck on your journey!

Is an extra 2 hours homework too much for an 11 year old child?

It depends. Two hours total homework isn't too much - you can get that done before dinner and have the whole evening free. Two hours on top of what you're already doing seems a bit much and you should have a talk with your teachers about how much work you have every night.

How many hours must sexual intercourse occur for a sperm cell to fertilize an ovum?

On average, sperm can live inside a female body for up to 5 days. So, fertilization can happen if sexual intercourse occurs within the 5-day window leading up to ovulation. The actual time duration of intercourse needed for fertilization is typically quite short, usually a matter of minutes.