

Is 2 years age gap bad?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: Is 2 years age gap bad?
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Is 2 years too big of an age gap for couples?

no...not at all there are many couples still together which have a bigger age gap between them for example, my dad is 42 but my mum is 38 <--- 4 years gap of age between them!! but they are living happillly together! :D

Can a woman date a guy 2 years her junior?

As long as the guy is of the legal age of consent, two years really is not a very significant age gap with which to be concerned. * 2 YEARS ITS NOT VERY IMPORTENT * THE IMPORTENT IS A LOVE FOR LIVE * IF YOU LOVE THIS GUY . 2 YEARS IT HAVENT ENY IMPORTENT

I really like this guy and i think i am in love with him but he doesn't feel the same i dont think however he says its just the age gap holding him back and its only a 2yr gap what can i do?

mabey its not the age diff mabey he is jus ccared to tell u that he really likes u A 2 year age gap is tiny! I was in a relationship with somebody 20 years older than me for 5 years and it worked out fine- so of course a 2 year age gap in your (potential) relationship is fine. In fact, I think it's better to have an age gap, no matter how small or big! However, most guys wouldn't find a 2 year age gap a problem- maybe he doesn't want to hurt you and is basically stating that he doesn't want to go out with you, using the teeny age gap as an excuse (pretty poor excuse if you ask me). Maybe it's time to move on?

What is a mature age to play battlefield bad company 2?

about 14 years old if your smart

Is ok to go out with a crush that is 2 years younger?

Yes, two years apart is not that bad. If you truly like them their age shouldn't bother you.

Should you use 2 years of age or 2 years-of-age?

"Two years of age" or "2 years of age" would be more appropriate, if using proper English.

I am in love with my teacher I am I am in love with my teacher I am 13 and she is 26 She talks a lot to me and pays much attention to me Don't know if she's single What should i do?

Nothing. It's pretty weird that you're in love with your teacher. Her relationship with you is probably just professional, nothing more. An age gap of 1 or 2 years in normal; an age gap of 13 years isn't.

Is it bad to date a guy 2 years older then you?

Not if you both like each other, 2 years isn't really a huge age difference so if you reall like him, i would go for it.

Is it bad to look about 2 years older than you really are and your 14?

Not at that age ! Most kids want to look a bit older.

What is the age gap for age of consent in the United States?

It depends on the laws of the specific state. In some cases, if either is under the age of consent, there is a criminal issue. In others, if the difference is 2 or 3 years, there may not be a problem. Make sure you know the laws for your state.

Do you write aged 2 years or age 2 years when putting a child painting on the wall?

Age 2 years would be a more suitable answer

If there are 3 children The age gap is 2 and the total age is 69 how old is the second child?

23, the eldest is 25, and the youngest 21