prime factorization
the prime factorization
the prime factorization of the number
Multiply it.
The prime factorization of 18 is 2 * 3^2
The prime factorization of 58 is: 2 x 29
The prime factorization of 760=2x2x2x5x19 or in exponentially written is 2^3x5x19.
The prime factorization of 36 written in exponential notation is: 22 x 32
A prime factorization
a prime factorization
Yes, 2x2x2x5 can be written in prime factorization as 2^3 x 5. In prime factorization, we break down a number into its prime factors. Here, 2 is a prime number and appears three times, so we write it as 2^3. The number 5 is also a prime number and appears once, so we simply write 5.
That's a prime factorization.
prime factorization
a prime factorization
A prime factorization
the prime factorization
That's a prime factorization.